Ming Wong

Obituary of Ming Wong

     It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved dad and grandpa, Jock Ming Wong. He was a true warrior and after a long battle with pneumonia, Ming passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family on Thursday, July 18, 2024 at the age of 91. Ming is survived by his son, Ge (Laura) and his two grandchildren Lexus and Keana, all from Regina. He is also survived by his youngest brother, David (Anna) Chan from Washington; their son, Frank (Julia) Chan and their children Jennifer, Benjamin (Hannah), Crystal, Christian and Chelsea from California; and their 3 daughters Angie (Shane) Keaton and their children Gabriella and Garrett; Debbie Chan; Sandy (Craig) Rice and their daughter Juliet all from Washington. Also, survived by his god daughter, Tammy (Dizhi Zhu) and their children Alison, Bosco, Cayla and Dayton, all from Yorkton and numerous nieces and nephews, relatives and friends from all over.

     Ming was predeceased by his father, Wong Bing Qian; his mother, Wong Chou Fong; his loving wife, Lillian Lai Sun; his oldest brother, Wong Check Lap and his sister-in-law, Wong Shui Ping.

     Ming was born on March 21, 1933 in the city of Taishan, China. While growing up, Ming faced many adversities that made him a stronger individual. He set high standards for himself that helped him to succeed. At the age of 18, Ming was sponsored by his uncle to immigrate to Canada. He settled in Winnipeg and spent countless hours helping his uncle in his restaurant learning the trade of cooking and baking in the kitchen. Ming took great pride in his cooking but found that working in a Chinese restaurant was not going to help him to learn to speak English very well. He decided to leave the restaurant and went to work for a family cooking and doing household duties. During this time, his English improved rapidly. If he did not understand a word, he would look it up in a dictionary and write the word neatly over and over again until he remembered the word. He knew that if he was going to build a life in Canada, he needed to work hard and be willing to adapt and learn.

     In 1962, Ming moved to Esterhazy with 3 business partners and opened a restaurant. Three years later, Ming married Lillian on March 15, 1965, and they decided to open a restaurant of their own, Ming’s Cafe in Bredenbury. Ge was born the next year and they soon found they needed help with the responsibilities of raising a child and operating a business. They began to sponsor relatives and assist them to immigrate to Canada. Their family members helped them and in turn, Ming and Lillian assisted them in learning how to cook and operate a restaurant to gain a better quality of life and secure a better future. Ming and Lillian sponsored many family members to immigrate to Canada and continued to support them financially, physically and emotionally to help them succeed. Over time, they opened a grocery store and Cafe at Green Water Lake to create more jobs for family members. Ming and Lillian impacted many lives with their generosity and their willingness to help others.

     Ming’s life was not all work and no play and eventually he and Lillian had time to do the things they loved to do. Mondays were reserved for playing Mahjong at the restaurant with family and friends. He also enjoyed going to the casino and was practical on his purchases. Ming was an avid outdoorsman and loved hunting and fishing. Ming also loved golfing with his buddies, betting on who would have the best score and attending tournaments. He enjoyed watching the PGA tournaments and learned from the pros and whenever he had a spare moment, he would practice his swing. He was very competitive and would strive to do his best at whatever he did. Ming was a true Canadian. He loved to watch sports but only if there was a Canadian team playing.

     After Lillian's death in 2021 during Covid, Ming had moved to Regina to be with his immediate family. The family took great care of him and Ge would take him out on an outing whether it be playing Mahjong to stimulate his mind, golfing to practice his swing and sometimes fishing to consume. Ming found the most joy in spending quality time with Keana and Lexus and was extremely proud of all their accomplishments. The dynamics around the house will never be the same as we will miss his sharp wit, cleverness and unwavering support.

     Ming was well known and respected within the community, sometimes jokingly known as the Chinese mayor of the community. He was intelligent, optimistic, inspirational, strong, brave. generous, dedicated, energetic, high achiever, non-materialistic and a practical kind of man. His gigantic heart of gold and great sense of humor will be greatly missed. Even during his last days, Ming was telling jokes. Ming is also known for his strong work ethics and his many accomplishments will not be forgotten. Ming was the luckiest man who lived a full filled 91 years and always had a positive outlook in life. His influence has left an everlasting impression with everyone he met.

     While our hearts mourn the loss, we will continue to cherish his legacy and take comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering. Ming will be forever missed and forever in our hearts. He is our Guardian Angel watching over us today, tomorrow and forever. When it is our time, we will join you there for all eternity. Rest in peace dad/grandpa.


我们怀着巨大的悲伤和沉重的心情宣布我们敬爱的父亲/爷爷Ming Wong去世了。他是一位真正的勇士,与肺炎进行了长期斗争后,于 2024 年 7 月 18 日星期四在家人的陪伴下平静地去世,享年91岁。Ming终于与逝世的父母,妻子和哥嫂相聚了。


1962年,Ming与3位商业伙伴搬到Esterhazy并开了一家餐馆。三年后,Ming 于 1965 年 3 月 15 日与 Lillian 结婚.婚后他们决定在Bredenbury开设一家自己的餐厅——Ming’s Cafe。第二年,Ge出生了,他们很快发现,他们餐馆需要更多的人力,以便于他们能够很好得地兼顾抚养孩子和经营生意的责任。他们开始资助亲戚移民到加拿大。亲戚在餐馆帮忙的同时,Ming 和 Lillian 也帮助他们学习烹饪和经营餐厅的技巧,并帮助他们自立门户,获得更好的生活质量。所以Ming和Lilian在多年里,赞助了许多家庭成员移民到加拿大,在经济、身体和情感上支持他们,帮助他们取得了成功。随着时间的推移,他们在Green Lake又开设了一家杂货店和咖啡馆,为亲戚创造了更多就业机会。Ming和Lilian的慷慨和乐于助人的精神影响了许多人。

Ming 在活中也做到了劳逸结合。每周一是与家人和朋友在餐厅打麻将的时间。他还喜欢去赌场,是个明智的赌家。Ming同时也是一位狂热的户外活动者,他喜欢狩猎和钓鱼,也喜欢和他的朋友一起打高尔夫球,喜欢赌谁会获得最好的成绩,并且经常参加锦标赛。Ming还喜欢在观看 PGA 锦标赛的同时向职业选手学习,只要有空闲时间,他就会练习他的挥杆。Ming是一个好胜的人,任何事情他都会努力做到最好。同时他融入了加拿大文化:他很喜欢看有加拿大队比赛的体育节目。

Lilian去世后,Ming搬到里贾纳与他的家人同住。家人对他很照顾,Ge会经常带他外出,要么打麻将激发头脑,要么打高尔夫球练习挥杆,有时还去钓鱼。Ming 也与 孙女Keana 和 孙子Lexus 共度很多美好快乐的时光,并对孙子孙女的成就感到非常自豪。自从他离开后,房子似乎空荡荡的,这使得我们更加想念他的。

明在社区内广为人知并受人尊敬,有时被戏称为社区里的华人市长。他聪明、乐观、坚强、勇敢,慷慨、富有奉献精神;他精力充沛、成就卓著、非物质至上, 是一个务实的人。他那颗金子般的心和巨大的幽默感将被人们深深怀念。即使在最后的日子里,Ming也经常跟我们开玩笑。Ming还以其强烈的职业道德而闻名,他的许多成就将不会被忘记。Ming是幸运的人,活了整整91岁而且始终保持着积极的人生观。他给遇到的每个人都留下了深刻的印象。

年高有寿而尽,生命无所不在。我们为Ming的逝去而哀悼的同时,将继续珍惜着他的遗留在人间的美好,并为他不再受苦而感到安慰。Ming 将永远被怀念,永远活在我们心中。他是我们的守护天使,守护着我们的今天、明天,直至永远。当我们的时间到来时,我们将永远与您在一起。爸爸/爷爷安息吧。

我们谨代表Ge、Laura、Lexus 和Keana,感谢你们前来参与Ming 的最后一次旅程。我们感谢您在我们生命中的困难时期给予的支持。感谢您的慷慨的捐赠、鲜花和卡片。我们祝愿大家身体健康、平安快乐。

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12:00 am - 1:00 pm
Monday, July 29, 2024
Yorkton Memorial Gardens Family Centre
Highway 10 East
Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada

Funeral Ceremony

1:00 pm
Monday, July 29, 2024
Yorkton Memorial Gardens Family Centre
Highway 10 East
Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada
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